Orange Raccoon Pizza is Critical to Your Business
Why is Orange Raccoon Pizza important to your business?
If you found this page as a result of searching Google for the phrase “Orange Raccoon Pizza”, then you’re probably only one of two people in the world to ever search Google for that phrase. When you searched Google for Orange Raccoon Pizza, did the link to this page come up first on Page One?
Do you want to know how that was done?
Easy – Basic SEO techniques that are easily implemented on your website.
As a small business owner, do you know why you need to know this?
Because it took 30 minutes to set-up this page and get it on Page One of Google within ONLY ONE DAY – but more importantly – this page is completely worthless.
Where are we going with this?
“Orange Raccoon Pizza” has absolutely no commercial value as a keyword phrase. Not only is this phrase never searched for, no one would ever buy a pizza with Orange Raccoon on it. This page is designed to demonstrate two things:
- You need to know what keywords will drive VALUABLE traffic to your website.
- You need to know how to optimize a web page for Google to even consider it to be listed on page one.
Anyone can get a website page on page one of Google. Simply find a phrase that no one ever searches for, follow a few basic website optimization techniques and that web page will be on page one in a few weeks. Just like we did with this page for the phrase Orange Raccoon Pizza.
Orange colored pizza does not look very appealing. It probably tastes better than pizza with raccoon on it though.
As a business owner, knowing the frequently-searched-for keyword phrases that drive high-quality, revenue-producing traffic to your website is a critical foundation to your entire online marketing strategy.
SEO firms that tell you that your website is on Page One for 100 keywords phrases may be taking advantage of this technique. If you use an SEO firm, make sure you’re paying to be on Page One for meaningful, revenue-producing keywords. If you don’t know what phrases drive the most traffic to your website, you might want to start thinking about how people search for (and find) your business or your website.